Saturday, February 25, 2012

Southeast Idaho Photographers - Inspirational Art

S post

It's so much fun being able to have beautiful wall art that is also very personal. Take this piece for instance. This isn't just any 'ol pair of shoes. The parents of the missionary these shoes belong to asked us to document these shoes for their son. Two years really took their toll on these puppies- just look at the heels. Obviously the wear and tear shows how hard their missionary worked, and who wouldn't want that documented? You might not always keep the shoes, but the art work will last forever. Priceless.
-Bree and Kacey


grammaDawn said...

That's awesome...
I was going to say, someone on his mission should have taken pitty on him and bought him new shoes, but then he wouldn't have this story.

Anonymous said...

LOVE it!!!!