Thursday, August 16, 2012

Southeast Idaho Wedding Photographers

    Who doesn't love a wedding?! No one, that's who. Weddings are happy. Full of love and joy. Here at The Frame, we LOVE us some weddings. We love LOVE! Robert and Maegan Hanson were married on July 28th and it was a beautiful day. These two are awesome, and Kacey and I adore them all the more because they chose to do groomals the night before!!! It was so great. Just us and the two of them. Usually the wedding day is SO rushed and the time that most couples THINK they will have to take pictures gets cut down by 75% or more. It's absolutely fabulous when we get to take time with the couple the day before. It was so much more relaxed. No hurry at all. It was wonderful, and I think that Robert and Maegan agree. post01 post02 post03 post04
Check out Robert's face in this next series. He doesn't look estatic or anything, does he?! Nope. Didn't think so. ;) These shots are almost straight out of the camera (just had to add a watermark).
The fires in the area made for some crazy beautiful haze and some stellar sunsets. Isn't the coloring fantastic?!
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Very much in love, these two. I think that this last one is my favorite. The look on her face says "Uh huh. That's right. You know it."

Robert and Maegan, thank you so much for including us in your wedding. It was a blast. More pictures to come from the day of so keep posted.

-Bree & Kacey

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